Tidal downscaling from the open ocean to the coast: a new approach applied to the Bay of Biscay

Downscaling physical processes from a large scale to a regional scale 3D model is a recurrent issue in coastal processes studies. The choice of boundary conditions will often greatly influence the solution within the 3D circulation model. In some regions, tides play a key role in coastal dynamics and must be accurately represented. The Bay of Biscay is one of these regions, with highly energetic tides influencing coastal circulation and river plume dynamics. In this study, three strategies are tested to force with barotropic tides a 3D circulation model with a variable horizontal resolution. The tidal forcings, as well as the tidal elevations and currents resulting from the 3D simulations, are compared to tidal harmonics extracted from satellite altimetry and tidal gauges, and tidal currents harmonics obtained from ADCP data. The results show a strong improvement of the M2 solution within the 3D model with a ”tailored” tidal forcing generated on the same grid and bathymetry as the 3D configuration, compared to a global tidal atlas forcing. Tidal harmonics obtained from satellite altimetry data are particularly valuable to assess the performance of each simulation. Comparisons between sea surface height time series, a sea surface salinity database, and daily averaged 2D currents also show a better agreement with this tailored forcing.

F. Toublanc, N.K. Ayouba, F. Lyarda, P. Marsaleixb, D.J. Allaina - Ocean Modelling, volume 124

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 (a) M2 elevation (m), (b) M2 current (m/s), taken from the FES2012 tidal atlas
(a) M2 elevation (m), (b) M2 current (m/s), taken from the FES2012 tidal atlas