Publications scientifiques

Cette page liste les productions scientifiques ou autres liées notamment à l'observation du niveau de la mer, à l'instrumentation ou aux applications.


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Influence of biofouling on the mooring tension of the COAST-HF Iroise monitoring buoy

The COAST-HF_Marel-Iroise station is a scientific floating platform in the Ifremer in situ test site of Sainte Anne du Portzic equipped with various sensors to monitor the local metocean conditions (Trasch Martin, 2023). It provides a rich array of input data for field campaign on mooring line tension of this station, both with and without the presence of biofouling.
  • Article scientifique

N. Russo, M.Träsch, K. Mehring, V. Perier, M. Répécaud
Date de sortie 31/12/2024
Ifremer - Brief by IUML n°6, OCEANEXT 2024

Forearc crustal faults as tsunami sources in the upper plate of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone: the case study of the Morne Piton fault system

In this study, alternatively to the megathrust, we identify upper-plate normal faults orthogonal to the trench as a possible tsunami source along the Lesser Antilles subduction zone. The Morne Piton fault system is such a trench-perpendicular upper crustal fault at the latitude of Guadeloupe.
  • Article scientifique

M. Philippon, J. Roger, J.-F. Lebrun, I. Thinon, O. Foix, S. Mazzotti, M.-A. Gutscher, L. Montheil, J.-J. Cornée
Date de sortie 19/09/2024

A systemic and comprehensive assessment of coastal hazard changes: method and application to France and its overseas territories

In the context of climate change, height and frequency variations in extreme sea levels (ESLs) are studied using deterministic and probabilistic approaches. However, this type of approach does not highlight the dynamic effects (waves, currents) generated by metocean events (storms, cyclones, long swells, and tsunamis) beyond their effects on sea levels. In particular, ESL estimates are calculated by considering the main determining physical factors but cannot include all the effects of these factors. Ultimately, this can lead to confusion between ESL and hazard.
  • Article scientifique

M. Igigabel, M. Yates, M. Vousdoukas, Y. Diab
Date de sortie 12/06/2024
Maximum tidal range (source:, last access: 5 June 2024).

A composite approach to document a century of overwash events in a high tide environment of southern Brittany, France

Understanding and precisely dating the sedimentological imprint of storm-induced back-barrier washover deposits is challenging, even more so in macro-tidal environments. Indeed, in such a situation, significant storms may not lead to any washover deposits, for instance if they occurred during low tide. To tackle this challenge, we propose a method based on crossing sedimentology, historical impacts from archives and weather-marine data, together with dating, statistics and modeling technique.
  • Article scientifique

P. Pouzet, D. Idier
Date de sortie 31/03/2024
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, volume 298
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science

Could old tide gauges help estimate past atmospheric variability?

The storm surge is the non-tidal component of coastal sea-level. It responds to the atmosphere both through the direct effect of atmospheric pressure on the sea-surface, and through Ekman transport induced by wind-stress. Tide gauges have been used to measure the sea-level in coastal cities for centuries, with many records dating back to the 19th-century or even further, at times when direct pressure observations were scarce.
  • Article scientifique

P. Platzer, P. Tandeo, P. Ailliot, B. Chapron
Date de sortie 02/01/2024
Could old tide gauges help estimate past atmospheric variability?

XYZ n°177 : Niveau de la mer

Dans ce numéro spécial, une collaboration de l'Association des amis du marégraphe de Marseille et de l'AFT, le lecteur pourra, lui-même, se faire une idée, aussi scientifique que précise, du phénomène. En effet, l'élévation de plus en plus rapide du niveau moyen de la mer est un des indicateurs des changements climatiques anthropiques. Ce numéro aborde donc, grâce à un panel de spécialistes, les techniques de la mesure, du marégraphe aux méthodes spatiales et GNSS puis les corrections de ces mesures pour les rendre indépendantes des mouvements terrestres.
G. André, A. Bailly, J. Chenal, A. Coulomb, B. Flacelière, C. Galpin, T. Landes, J.-P. Maillard, P. Sablayrolles, L. Testut, G. Wöppelmann, M. Ablain, E. Caillaud, C. Fraboul, N. Giloy, H. Hébert, N. Hesse, O. Jamet, D. Jourdan, D. Laplace, A. Latapy, ...
Date de sortie 31/12/2023
XYZ n°177

Monitoring absolute vertical land motions and absolute sea-level changes from GPS and tide gauges data over French Polynesia

In this study, we estimate the absolute vertical land motions at three tidal stations with collocated Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers over French Polynesia during the period 2007–2020, and obtain, as ancillary results, estimates of the absolute changes in sea level at the same locations. To verify our processing approach to determining vertical motion, we first modeled vertical motion at the International GNSS Service (IGS) THTI station located in the capital island of Tahiti and compared our estimate with previous independent determinations, with a good agreement.
  • Article scientifique

X. Li, J.-P. Barriot, B. Ducarme, M. Hopuare, Y. Lou
Date de sortie 21/12/2023
Geodesy and Geodynamics, volume 15
The five archipelagoes in French Polynesia. The locations of the five geodetic TGs are shown as orange point. (Figure is taken from J.P. Barriot et al. [5].).

Extension of a high temporal resolution sea level time series at Socoa (Saint-Jean-de-Luz, France) back to 1875

In this data paper, the sea level time series at Socoa (Saint-Jean-de-Luz, southwestern France) is extended through a data archaeology exercise. We conducted a comprehensive study of national and local archives to catalogue water level records stored in ledgers (handwritten record books) and charts (marigrams from mechanical float gauges), along with other associated documents (metadata). A dedicated effort was undertaken to preserve more than 2000 documents by archiving them in digital formats.
  • Article scientifique

M. J. U. Khan, I. Van Den Beld, G. Wöppelmann, L. Testut, A. Latapy, N. Pouvreau
Date de sortie 18/12/2023
(a) Time series of the water level at Socoa with digitized data (the new datasets from this study are shown in black). (b) Coverage of the rescued registries, charts, and associated check sheets

Dynamics of CO₂, CH₄, and N₂O in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (southwestern Iberia) and export to the Gulf of Cadiz

A first characterization of greenhouse gases had been carried out to study their role and impact in a productive transitional coastal system of the southern Portugal – Ria Formosa lagoon. To this purpose, the partial pressure of CO₂ (pCO₂) and the concentration of dissolved CH₄ and N₂O have been measured. Two surveys were carried out during 2020, at low tide under typical conditions of Spring (March) and end of Summer (October).
  • Article scientifique

A. Sierra, C. Correia, T. Ortega, J. Forja, M. Rodrigues, A. Cravo
Date de sortie 29/09/2023
Science of The Total Environment, volume 906
Graphical abstract