Publications scientifiques

Cette page liste les productions scientifiques ou autres liées notamment à l'observation du niveau de la mer, à l'instrumentation ou aux applications.


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Sea Level Fusion of Satellite Altimetry and Tide Gauge Data by Deep Learning in the Mediterranean Sea

Satellite altimetry and tide gauges are the two main techniques used to measure sea level. Due to the limitations of satellite altimetry, a high-quality unified sea level model from coast to open ocean has traditionally been difficult to achieve. This study proposes a fusion approach of altimetry and tide gauge data based on a deep belief network (DBN) method.
  • Article scientifique

L. Yang, T. Jin, X. Gao, H. Wen, T. Schöne, M. Xiao, H. Huang
Date de sortie 28/02/2021
Remote Sensor
Graphical abstract

Timescale of emergence of chronic flooding in the major economic center of Guadeloupe

Sea-level rise due to anthropogenic climate change is projected not only to exacerbate extreme events such as cyclones and storms but also to cause more frequent chronic flooding occurring at high tides under calm weather conditions. Chronic flooding occasionally takes place today in the low-lying areas of the Petit Cul-de-sac marin (Guadeloupe, West Indies, French Antilles). This area includes critical industrial and harbor and major economic infrastructures for the islands.
  • Article scientifique

Le Cozannet G., D. Idier, M. de Michele, Y. Legendre, M. Moisan, R. Pedreros, R. Thiéblemont, G. Spada, D. Raucoules, Y. de la Torre
Date de sortie 22/02/2021
NHESS, volume 21
The Petit Cul-de-sac marin area in Guadeloupe, showing urbanized areas and altitudes (map created by BRGM; data: IGN, SHOM; © BRGM, IGN, SHOM).

Statistical Prediction of Extreme Storm Surges Based on a Fully Supervised Weather-Type Downscaling Model

Increasing our capacity to predict extreme storm surges is one of the key issues in terms of coastal flood risk prevention and adaptation. Dynamically forecasting storm surges is computationally expensive. Here, we focus on an alternative data-driven approach and set up a weather-type statistical downscaling for daily maximum storm surge (SS) prediction, using atmospheric hindcasts (CFSR and CFSv2) and 15 years of tidal gauge station measurements. We focus on predicting the storm surge at La Rochelle–La Pallice tidal gauge station.
  • Article scientifique

W. Costa, D. Idier, J. Rohmer, M. Menendez, P. Camus
Date de sortie 16/12/2020
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
(A) Daily maximum storm surge (SS) time series at La Rochelle–La Pallice tidal gauge from 2000 to 2014 and the extreme events of Xynthia (February 2010) and Joachim (December 2011). (B) Descriptive probability distribution (bars) and cumulative probability of SS (dashed line).

Modeling dependence and coincidence of storm surges and high tide: methodology, discussion and recommendations based on a simplified case study in Le Havre (France)

Coastal facilities such as nuclear power plants (NPPs) have to be designed to withstand extreme weather conditions and must, in particular, be protected against coastal floods because it is the most important source of coastal lowland inundations. Indeed, considering the combination of tide and extreme storm surges (SSs) is a key issue in the evaluation of the risk associated with coastal flooding hazard. Most existing studies are generally based on the assumption that high tides and extreme SSs are independent.
  • Article scientifique

A. Ben Daouet, Y. Hamdi, N. Mouhous-Voyneau, P. Sergent
Date de sortie 11/12/2020
Sea level quantiles and confidence intervals.

Modelling the annual primary production of an intertidal brown algal community based on in situ measurements

Intertidal communities dominated by canopy-forming brown algae (Phaeophyceae) usually prove to be highly productive systems, based on short-term measurements. However, long-term metabolism (primary production and respiration) is sensitive to several factors acting on different time scales (e.g. tidal cycle, seasonality), making its assessment challenging. Here, we used mathematical modelling to investigate the metabolism of a Fucus serratus-dominated community on daily and annual time scales.
  • Article scientifique

F. Bordeyne, A. Migné, M. Plus, D. Davoult
Date de sortie 10/12/2020
Marine Ecology Progress Series, volume 656

16 years of topographic surveys of rip-channelled high-energy meso-macrotidal sandy beach

Sandy beaches are highly dynamic environments buffering shores from storm waves and providing outstanding recreational services. Long-term beach monitoring programs are critical to test and improve shoreline, beach morphodynamics and storm impact models. However, these programs are relatively rare and mostly restricted to microtidal alongshore-uniform beaches. The present 16-year dataset contains 326 digital elevation models and their over 1.635 × 106 individual sand level measurements at the high-energy meso-macrotidal rip-channelled Truc Vert beach, southwest France.
  • Article scientifique

B. Castelle, S. Bujan, V. Marieu, S. Ferreira
Date de sortie 20/11/2020
Scientific Data 7, article 410
Example of topographic survey product. (a) Example of Truc Vert beach survey with colour bar and grey dots indicating AMSL elevation in metres and individual survey points, respectively, (b) superimposed 20-m spaced beach profiles (grey) and their alongshore average (black) with the horizontal error bars indicating the ±1 cross-shore standard deviation, (c) axis equal DEM.

Earthquakes and extreme rainfall induce long term permeability enhancement of volcanic island hydrogeological systems

Earthquakes affect near-surface permeability, however temporal permeability evolution quantification is challenging due to the scarcity of observations data. Using thirteen years of groundwater level observations, we highlight clear permeability variations induced by earthquakes in an aquifer and overlaying aquitard. Dynamic stresses, above a threshold value PGV > 0.5 cm s−1, were mostly responsible for these variations. We develop a new model using earth tides responses of water levels between earthquakes.
  • Article scientifique

B. Vittecoq, J. Fortin, J. Maury, S. Violette
Date de sortie 19/11/2020
Scientific Reports 10, article 20231
Co-seismic drawdown modelling. (a) Water level drop during the 10th first days, and (b) refinement on the 48th first hours after earthquakes, have been modelled considering a simple one-dimensional model of confined aquifer44. Results show a low diffusivity variability (mean = 3 m2 s−1, standard deviation = 3 m2 s−1). These water levels drop match with type 3 (down-down) responses44, as the groundwater level continued to decline following a co-seismic fall, associated with a sudden increase in transmissivit

Impacts des séries de tempêtes de 2013 à 2018 sur l’évolution récente des cordons dunaires du nord de la France

Dans cet article, nous étudions l’évolution des cordons dunaires à l’est de Dunkerque, au nord de la France, sur une période s’étalant de novembre 2012 à février 2018. Elle se base sur l’analyse de relevés topographiques à haute fréquence, couplés à des données marégraphiques et de vent à la côte ainsi qu’à des enregistrements de vagues au large. Cette période d’étude a été marquée par plusieurs événements tempétueux dont les plus remarquables se sont produits au cours de l’hiver 2013/2014 ainsi qu’en janvier 2017 et en janvier 2018.
  • Article scientifique

A. Zemmour, M.-H. Ruz
Date de sortie 09/11/2020
Géomorphologie, volume 27
Illustration des limites utilisées pour le calcul des variations de volumes sédimentaires de la dune, du haut de plage et de l’estran

The contribution of short-wave breaking to storm surges: The case Klaus in the Southern Bay of Biscay

This study investigates the contribution of short-wave breaking to storm surges through a high-resolution hindcast of the sea state and storm surge associated with the extra-tropical storm Klaus. This storm made landfall in January 2009 in the Southern Bay of Biscay and produced the largest storm surges observed in this region over the last 20 years, with 1.70 m in the Arcachon Lagoon and 1.10 m in the Adour Estuary.
  • Article scientifique

L. Lavaud, X. Bertin, K. Martins, G. Arnaud, M.-N. Bouin
Date de sortie 28/10/2020
Ocean Modelling, volume 156
(A) Bathymetric map and extension of the computational domain (red dashdotted line), the storm track (blue dashed line and crosses) and the wave buoys (blue triangles) used in this study. (B) and (C) Detailed bathymetry of the studied areas with location of the tide gauges (black stars). The black box in (B) corresponds to the adjacent beach where the sensitivity of storm surge and wave setup predictions to the grid resolution is analysed.