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Water-level changes and subsidence rates along the East Sea coastline of the Saigon-Dong Nai River Estuary and the Mekong Delta
Southeast Asian deltas are highly threatened areas for flooding as a response to the combined effects of natural compaction and subsidence exacerbated by human impacts, e.g. oil, gas and water extraction, retention of sediment discharge due to river damming and sand mining, land use changes, sea-level rise and storm-induced water-level setup. Tide-induced water-level fluctuations on different time- and spatial scales, seasonal variations of freshwater runoff and sea-level setup can amplify the impact of sea-level rise and of storm surges on the coastal environment and its inhabitants.
T. C. Nguyen, K. Schwarzer, K. Ricklefs
Date de sortie 16/02/2023
Date de sortie 16/02/2023
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, volume 283

Impact of an exceptional winter flood on benthic oxygen and nutrient fluxes in a temperate macrotidal estuary: Potential consequences on summer deoxygenation
Despite 20 years of control on eutrophication, episodes of summer hypoxia still occur in the Loire estuary, impacting water quality and posing a key scientific and management challenge. This work aimed to quantify the contribution of the benthic compartment to hypoxia in the Loire estuary by direct measurement of water–sediment fluxes and an in-depth understanding of the seasonal variations of oxides and phosphorus stocks.
V. Hulot, E. Metzger, A. Thibault de Chanvalon, A. Mouret, S. Schmidt, B. Deflandre, S. Rigaud, E. Beneteau, N. Savoye, P. Souchu, Y. Le Merrer, G. M. Maillet
Date de sortie 16/02/2023
Date de sortie 16/02/2023
Frontiers in Marine Science

Cloud-based near real-time sea level monitoring using GNSS reflectometry
In addition to traditional tide gauges, the ground-based global navigation satellite system reflectometry (GNSS-R) that utilizes signal-to-noise ratio data from a single GNSS receiver has become another promising alternative for sea level monitoring. However, its application is limited by retrieval precision, especially in large tidal variation environments. On the other hand, previous studies have focused on performance improvement by using post-processing strategies, which cannot support practical (near-) real-time applications.
Z. Liu, L. Du, P. Zhou, X. Wang, Z. Zhang, Z. Liu
Date de sortie 05/02/2023
Date de sortie 05/02/2023
GPS Solutions, volume 27, article 65

Combination of Tsoft and ET34-ANA-V80 software for the preprocessing and analysis of tide gauge data in French Polynesia
Since 2008 a network of five sea-level monitoring stations was progressively installed in French Polynesia. The stations are autonomous and data, collected at a sampling rate of 1 or 2 min, are not only recorded locally, but also transferred in real time by a radio-link to the NOAA through the GOES satellite. The new ET34-ANA-V80 version of ETERNA, initially developed for Earth Tides analysis, is now able to analyze ocean tides records.
B. Ducarme, J.-P. Barriot, F. Zhang
Date de sortie 07/01/2023
Date de sortie 07/01/2023
Geodesy and Geodynamics, volume 14

Seiches à l’échelle de baies : origines et identification des périodes propres d’oscillations à partir des données d’observations sur le long terme en Provence à partir du réseau HTM-NET
L’étude présentée sur les oscillations résonantes dans des bassins semi-ouverts de la côte provençale est basée sur l’analyse des données de niveaux issus de stations du réseau d’observation HTM-NET, composées de deux capteurs piézométriques, l’un immergé et l’autre émergé, permettant de connaitre la pression atmosphérique, le niveau d’eau et la température avec une période d’échantillonnage de 2 min. Elle concerne les baies de La Ciotat, de Sanary, la Rade de Toulon (grande et petite rades), le Golfe de Giens et la Rade d’Hyères.
V. Rey , C. Paugam, C. Dufresne, D. Mallarino, T. Missamou, J.-L. Fuda
Date de sortie 31/12/2022
Date de sortie 31/12/2022
Paralia - XVIIèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil, Chatou

Sea level changes: the data available at the PSMSL and SONEL and the results of satellite altimetry
Sea level changes are a complex and quite discussed topic in the media, mostly because of their relationship with “climate change”. The first instruments to evaluate sea level changes are the Tide Gauges (TG) that began to register data in 1700, at Amsterdam. The TG registrations are validated and homogenized, to be comparable, by PSMSL (Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level). The longest record is the one in Brest (France) that begins in 1807. They register the Relative Sea Level (RSL). In fact, the data show that the vertical movements on the continent strongly affect the RSL curves.
M. A. Araújo
Date de sortie 20/12/2022
Date de sortie 20/12/2022
Research Square - Preprint

Data rescue process in the context of sea level reconstructions: An overview of the methodology, lessons learned, up-to-date best practices and recommendations
Coastal water level measurements represent one of the earliest geophysical measurements and allow an assessment of historical sea level rise and trends in tides, river flow and storm surge. However, recovery and digitization of archival tidal records have been much less widespread and systematic than, for example meteorological records. In this contribution, we discuss data rescue efforts and lessons learned in France, the United States and the United Kingdom, countries with early and extensive tide gauge networks by the mid-19th century.
A. Latapy, Y. Ferret, L. Testut, S. Talke, T. Aarup, F. Pons, G. Jan, E. Bradshaw, N. Pouvreau
Date de sortie 14/12/2022
Date de sortie 14/12/2022
Geoscience Data Journal, volume 10

Apport de l'imagerie satellitaire pour l'identification et la cartographie des habitats littoraux de Mayotte soumis à une subsidence rapide
L’île de Mayotte (canal du Mozambique), offre une grande diversité de littoraux influencés par son vaste complexe récifo-lagonaire. Ces habitats (plages, platiers coralliens, herbiers, mangroves…) remplissent des fonctions écologiques reconnues : protection contre l’érosion côtière, consommation du CO2 atmosphérique, zone critique de biodiversité.
A. Aubry, A. Tempere
Date de sortie 31/10/2022
Date de sortie 31/10/2022
Paralia - XVIIèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil, Chatou

Etude de l'impact d'une tempête extrême sur la Grande Plage de Biarritz en présence d'une digue amovible en sacs de sable
La Grande Plage de Biarritz a connu plusieurs événements de tempêtes extrêmes ces dernières décennies qui ont causé d’importants dégâts matériels sur les ouvrages et bâtiments situés en front de mer. Ces événements ont conduit à la mise en place d’une stratégie de protection des infrastructures et des usagers qui intègre notamment le déploiement d’une digue amovible en sacs de sable sur le perré situé en haut de plage.
M. Rozki, D. Morichon, M. Delpey, V. Roeber, S. Abadie
Date de sortie 31/10/2022
Date de sortie 31/10/2022
Paralia - XVIIèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil, Chatou